
Registration and schedule for the competition

R e g i s t r a t i o n a n d s c h e d u l e

Receipt and registration of the applicant for participation in the competition is until August 15, 2022.

Note: The list of competitors will be published no later than August 15th



The arrival of the contest participants in Batumi.



In the first half of the day

  1. On-site registration in Batumi
  2. Informing about personal contact details such as phone number, e-mail, hotel or residential address, etc. to the competition organizing team.
  3. Distribution in the rehearsal rooms of the music school with pianist-concertmasters (work with a pianist if desired).

*The contestant keeps the right to replace the concertmaster offered to them by the festival organizing group due to incompatibility during the collaboration.



20:00 PM

Festival-Competition Opening Ceremony and balloting of Participants



The first qualifying round of the competition: 10.00 – 21.00.
(Break 14.00-16.00) (Small break 19.00-19:30)

Rehearsal – Singing at a music school. Check-in on the tour according to the number assigned to the ballot.
The contestant must be presented 30 minutes earlier (no later) than the scheduled time.
The maximum duration for performing is 15 minutes.
Participants must present 2 arias accompanied by piano.



Second qualifying round of the competition:
13.00 – up to 20.00 (break until 15.00-17.00)

Rehearsal – Singing at a music school. Check-in on the tour according to the number assigned to the ballot.
The contestant must be presented 30 minutes earlier (no later) than the scheduled time.
The maximum duration for performing is 15 minutes.
Participants must present 2 arias accompanied by piano.



Rehearsals & Masterclasses

The rehearsal of the finalists with the orchestra.
Rehearsal hours will be announced in addition, during the competition.
On the same day, masterclasses from jury members are planned for beginner singers. Pre-registration of those wishing to participate in the masterclass will be done with the competition organizing group – by e-mail or on-site application during the competition.



Third & final round – the closing ceremony of the competition – 20:00

At the end of the final round, the jury will review and announce the winners who will be awarded the appropriate prizes. Winners of prizes or awards specially set by the sponsors for the competition will also be announced.
The finalists repeat one aria from previous rounds and sing one new aria. The final gala concert will be held in two parts. Participants will perform one aria in each part.
Final Tour – The concert will be accompanied by an orchestra.

* The jury will be composed of leading specialists of the world opera industry and top professional musicians. The decision of the competent jury in evaluating the contestant is final and is not subject to appeal. Accordingly, the contestant’s appeal will not be considered.
*In case of delay, the contestant will no longer be admitted to the contest. The jury decides to leave him/her as an exception, change the exit time or withdraw from the competition.
*As part of the special offer, the festival offers the competition partner hotel and food facilities to the participants, where an exclusive discount will be made for them. Naturally, the contestant reserves the right to refuse this offer and find the desired accommodation or food facility.
All contestants pay for food and living expenses during the competition by themselves. The only exceptions are Ukrainian citizens with refugee status.